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"A story about a lady who I lusted after for many years"

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Author's Notes

"There are times when the sight of a stunning woman create all sorts of fantasies, this is one."

She has invited me to her home to look over a proposed job that she and her husband are considering and for which she would appreciate my advice.

I arrive at the house, which appears to be extensive and set on lovely grounds, and am met at the door by her. In her usual way, her bubbly personality is to the fore and she greets me effusively with a hug, which is enough to get any male's interest stirring.

She invites me in and says to follow her into the kitchen. We walk down the brightly lit hall and into a very large space with a kitchen table almost as large as my kitchen and very expensive looking units built around a black granite-topped island.

It is an extremely hot day. One of those balmy English summer days where the temperatures rise beyond most people’s tolerance at over thirty degrees The room is similarly warm as the French doors to a beautifully kept garden stand wide open.

She does not ask me to sit but offers coffee which I readily accept and while I lean against the cool edge of the granite island top, she turns to fill a coffee machine with water and reaches for cups and saucers from a cupboard above the worktop.

Sarah is a very elegant woman, an ex-dancer who has retained her dancer's figure beautifully and is always immaculately dressed, clearly even when in her own home. As usual, I am enjoying watching the way she glides around the room in her black high heels. Today she is dressed in a black off-the-shoulder dress that is cut low to the breast and which finishes just above the knee. Now I can see her from behind, I can see it has a zip down the back to just above her slender waist. Oddly, on such a warm day, she appears to be wearing stockings, and for a woman of fifty, she is still stunningly attractive to my lustful gaze.

We chat and we flirt, as we always do, and eventually, I ask, ‘Is Gerry not here today?’ She replies that he is in South Africa on business and the sprogs (eighteen and nineteen) are at her mother's for a few days, plus it is the cleaner’s day off, so just us today. I flirt some more, and she giggles a lot, which is one of her many endearing traits. As we chat over coffee from elegant coffee cups, it is hard not to notice the moistness of her skin at the front of her dress plus the occasional rivulet of sweat trickling down her cleavage. My back is also suffering the effects of the heat and similar droplets of sweat trickle down my spine.

I have, in the past, been rewarded with a view of a pink bud when she has bent over in the office, a sight that always stirred my interest in this delicious creature. Occasionally I have suspected that she did not always wear a bra if it did not suit her outfit although she had never been deliberately revealing in any way that I was aware of. Today however I am hoping that she does need to bend as I suspect that I might again be rewarded with the brief sight of one of her small but perfectly formed tits glistening with moisture caused by the heat of the day.

We chat about the project and she shows me what they have in mind and we discuss ideas and finishes for materials. My eyes are constantly drawn to her figure and I am finding it harder to conceal that interest as I suffer from a growing erection in her company.

Eventually, we return to the kitchen and she offers me a cool beer, which I accept. She turns and bends to open the fridge from which she takes two bottles and I am gifted with a view of her slender thighs. It is then I discover she is wearing holdups with a lace top. I can’t help the stirring of my cock at the sight until she straightens up, pops the tops, and hands me a bottle.

‘You are a very naughty man,’ she says, with a grin. I try to look puzzled, but she then adds, ‘You have been admiring the front of my dress all afternoon and now I suspect you have had a good look at my stockings.’ She stares at me questioningly. It is very hard to deny and all I can do is grin back at her.

‘Do you like what you see then? I have often spotted you eyeing me up?’ she asks, wistfully adding, ‘You look a little warm.’

I am stuck for words so decide that actions may speak for me. I put down my bottle, step towards her and slip my hand onto her slender waist and draw her closer to me.

‘You are very forward,’ she giggles again but I stop her from saying anything more as I lean in and kiss her very gently on the lips, holding the kiss as long as I dare.

’You know full well that I do Sarah,’ I reply softly

As we break apart it appears to be her turn and she returns the kiss as she puts both hands around my neck, and we are almost in each other’s arms. The kiss lasts longer than mine and I feel the tip of her tongue slip onto my lips and into my eager mouth as we pull each other close and the kiss becomes more impassioned. As we break for air she breaths ‘Aren’t we naughty?’

To which all I can reply is a mumble of agreement. I never hoped upon hope that I would ever be holding this beautiful and extremely fit sexy woman in my arms but here I was, my rapidly growing erection pressing against her firm flat belly. She stares at me and we both pause, maybe unsure of what will happen next as we smile at each other.

My hand slides up her slender back and under her long, raven black hair in search of the tag of the dress. She continues to smile at me as I find it and slowly start to slide it down her back towards her waist. She dips her head and rests it on my shoulder as It gets lower and lower. I can hear her softly murmuring something intangible.

I step back from her and turn her around so that she is facing the island and discover that, as the zip unpeels, my often visited dream was fulfilled; she is not wearing a bra under the dress. I lean in and kiss her neck and then slowly kiss down her spine. I pull her soft hair aside and she whimpers again as I push it gently over her now bare shoulder. With slightly shaking hands and with the zip pulled down to just above her slender hips, I slowly slide the straps of her dress from her shoulders, and as I step back slightly, her naked back is revealed; her skin soft and damp with sweat.

As the dress is lowered further my joy is increased to a point of almost childish delight as the crack of her perfect bottom comes into view. Then I gasp as the dress slides slowly her waist, trying to fall lower. She is not wearing panties, or even a thong and my cock starts to ache as it strains against my jeans. I lower the dress further and her amazing dancer's legs are revealed, smooth but encased with those delicately laced holdups, her delicious thighs above the lace and her exquisite bottom slick with the moisture of the day’s heat.

I am close to cumming even at this point.

I drop the dress to the floor, and she kicks it aside and places both hands on the granite top.

‘My god Sarah, you are even more beautiful than I ever imagined,’ I manage to breathe heavily.

She slowly looks over her shoulder and whispers, ‘I assume you intend to take me?’

‘Oh, indeed I very much do Sarah.’ I pull my tee-shirt over my head. ‘I have wanted to for a very long time.’ I struggle to undo my jeans as she watches, slowly opening her legs a little more and pushing that incredible arse towards me.

She simply replies, ’Don’t stand and just stare then.’ I kick off my shoes and struggle out of my jeans as I undress behind this goddess. She glances over her shoulder at me and murmurs, ‘Mmm.’

I drop to my knees directly behind her and admire the perfection of her long stocking-clad legs and the slim ankles held delicately by the black heels. Her legs seem to go on forever until they meet that perfect rounded arse. I reach up and place my sweating hand in the middle of her back and gently push her torso forward.

She gets the hint and bends until she is almost laying on the granite. I have an image of her beautiful pink nipples touching the cool stone but I am distracted by the accentuation of the curve of her thighs and her arse. I slide both hands between her ankles and gently nudge her legs further apart and she complies, willingly spreading her legs wide, wobbling slightly on the heals. I am entranced by the sight before me as the fine hairs of her pussy come into my view, slick with sweat too. My cock is throbbing between my legs and I am helpless with a lust to explore this vision of perfection in front of me.

I gently grasp her ankles and slowly slide them up her calves over the silk stockings, which tremble at my touch. I then pass her knees and her thighs quiver under my touch until I reach her cheeks, which I slowly envelop with my hands and can’t help gently fondling as she moans softly. She is murmuring as I slowly stroke her soft flesh until I can’t wait any longer and I slowly spread her cheeks part to find her tight little button. I lean in very close and breathe gently between her cheeks which makes her sigh loudly, then I extend my tongue and lick her hole and she gasps. I lick again and get the same result. My tongue moves very slowly, and I lick gently, luxuriating in her heat.

’Oh hell, you have a month to stop doing that, it feels so good to have my arsehole licked, you are so good mmmm!’

Getting closer between her thighs as best I can I touch her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue and she groans. She moans louder and then pushes back against my face and it is buried between her legs as I feast on that heat, licking and probing her pussy and her arse. She is shaking and groaning as I ravage her delicate flesh with my tongue, the sweat from us both mixing in a delicious musky soup of sexual arousal.

‘Oh, dear god!’ she moans. I back off and swiftly insert one then two fingers knuckles deep in her pussy and she quakes. I finger her slowly, then more quickly, then I insert a third finger and ease my thumb into her arsehole and push in and out as though fucking gently then she tells me to stop.

As I extract my fingers she turns, pulls me to my feet, and drops to her knees and the entire length of my engorged cock slips into her mouth where she starts to suck furiously. I can’t help but look down and I revel in the sight of that pretty mouth sucking on my cock as she gazes up at me with lust in her eyes. Those perfect tits, are slick with sweat except where they have been plastered to the cool granite worktop. Her hand is between her legs and she is clearly fingering herself as she sucks me. I am at her complete mercy, but I know I can’t survive this onslaught for long and she must sense this.

She stands and bends over the worktop again and spreads her legs wide, reaching behind her and pulling her cheeks apart. ‘Do me now, cunt first, then my arse,’ she demands. I step behind her and present my knob to the slick opening of her cunt and, gently pushing forward, my cock fills her pussy in one slick movement, and she gasps. ‘Fuck hard,’ she demands, and I cannot do other than comply.

I hammer her sopping pussy for all I am worth, praying I can hold off for an eternity. Then she shouts, 'Do my arse.’ I pull my rampant member from her sloppy pussy and present it to her expectant hole and find the sweat helps me enter her. I slowly feed my length into her as she groans in pleasure.

‘Now, do me hard, then fill me with cum you dirty fucker.’ I fuck her as commanded and her language becomes more enthusiastic and filthier as she takes everything I can give her. ‘Oh god yes, fuck me you bastard, fuck my arse, I do love that thick cock up my hole grrr!’

I move my hands from her slender waist and grab her tits and do my best to pinch her nipples to which she shouts, ’Oh yes, pinch harder, be rough with me you lovely fucker, fuck my arse hard, harder, oh god that so good.’ At what seems like an age she starts to groan, ‘Oh no, no, no I’m cumming, oh shit!" And she shakes uncontrollably as her orgasm takes control. I feel her juice flow from her pussy as it hits my leg as she comes with a shudder. I follow moments later as I pump more cum than I ever thought possible into her stupendous willing arse. I keep pumping my cock into her for as long as I can as my poor battered member softens.

We are both gasping for air as my cock slips from her, totally spent. She turns and pulls me close to her heaving chest uttering, ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you,’ as we fight to get our breath back, both our cum juices sticking our heaving bodies together.

We stay like that for a full five minutes until we recover our composure, kissing gently occasionally.

‘Shower,’ she announces and disentangling herself from my grasp, takes me by the hand and leads me off up the stairs where I again get to view the perfect rounded bottom that I have just filled with cum.


The shower in her bedroom is more like a wetroom for a football team and she strode in and twisted the gold hand and a cascade of water fell from the massive shower head above.

Sarah drags me under it and into her arms where she tries to suck the life from my face with hers, the cool water welcome on our sticky bodies. My hands immediately pulling that delicious arse against my now already interested cock.

‘That was a lovely fuck young man, that lovely cock of yours really opened me up and filled me beautifully,’ she giggles when she eventually stops, ‘I do hope you’re not in a hurry to go home this afternoon.’ I  kiss her again and hold her tight as I again enjoy roaming my hands over that perfect body.


She shakes me off and grabs a bottle of liquid soap and we both enjoy that intimate pleasure of soaping each other all over and then washing it all off. I enjoyed the thrill of soaping her immaculate tits and that delicious arse as she provocatively bent over for me. I slid my hands between those thighs and took my time massaging her pussy and arse crack. She took a long time cleaning my cock balls and arse too and I was ready for anything.  I washed her hair for her too as she wriggled that delectable bottom against my cock until she just slumped onto the floor of the shower and engulfed my length in that pretty mouth. She was soon bobbing in and out as she hung onto my thighs and moaned with pleasure. I was in heaven of course.

‘Do me again big boy,’ she breathes as she slowly detaches that mouth from my aching member.

How can I refuse!

Written by tinker2

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